
John is an instructor with a variety of organization, and will also prepare custom courses and seminars for individual clients. More information on DSG’s current schedule of courses and training programs.


John teaches many of HRAI’s Residential Design courses. Check out the Skilltech website for more details.

NRCan Housing Programs

John is one of only 2 people qualified to deliver all of NRCan’s Housing Program training. This training is offered through Service Organizations, but call if you want to learn more about it.

Hot2000 Software

Hot2000 is the software used for the NRCan Housing Programs. It is a powerful and sophisticated energy simulation software used around the world. DSG has a 2 day software training program that is totally independent of the government labeling programs. The focus is how to effectively use the software for cost analysis, code compliance, and more. John also provides a file review service where he will critique your modeling and provide feedback on how to improve the accuracy of your modeling, or just be more time efficient.

Building Science

DSG has several seminar format presentation available for builders, building officials, private inspectors, realtors, and contractors that put into simple terms (and sometimes not so simple depending on the topic!) why buildings do what they do. If you need to broaden your understanding of moisture movement, air tightness, heat transfer or anything related to residential construction, call to see if we have something for you.

Ontario Building Code

John is a qualified facilitator with the Ministry of Housing and teaches several Building Code courses.

Part 12 Compliance Training

John has developed a 1 day course on compliance options under Part 12 of the Ontario Building Code. This course has been popular among Building Officials, Builders, HVAC Contractors, and Designers as a practical way to explore compliance options and details under what has become a very complicated part of the building code.